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  1. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    They're sympathisers
    of the Fragile King
    dead golfer walking.

    Caint hurt his feelings now can'ya

    • Like Like x 2
    1. msman
      The ones I saw were sure not sympathisers. They had all kinds of bad things to say about him.
      I mostly thought they were funny. If they wanted to be believed they should have had on their masks.
      msman, Jul 1, 2020
    2. slutwolf
      You'd think so ,
      on the face of it ,
      but I do not know if they were in public ,
      or in close proximity to anyone else ,
      or what circumstances they were in .

      We never had any requirements for general public to wear masks ,
      and were in fact warned of the risks of doing so ,
      which in itself is interesting.

      It seems it only becomes advisable when primary containment and control has failed.
      slutwolf, Jul 1, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
  2. gammaXray

    gammaXray Porn Star

    Jun 24, 2013
    Intensive care units in one of the world’s largest medical centers are operating at 102% capacity as coronavirus cases surge in Texas, according to a report Wednesday from Texas Medical Center in Houston.

    An estimated 36% of the center’s 1,330 ICU beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients. The sprawling medical campus reported that there were 480 current patients with the virus in total.

    As the medical center reached capacity, it enacted Phase 2 of a plan to address the surge by making 373 more beds available by reallocating hospital staff and equipment to ICUs in order to take in more patients, the Houston Chronicle reported.

    This is the first time that the Houston medical center’s intensive care units have surpassed their capacity since the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. The Texas Medical Center campus contains most of Houston’s hospitals, including Baylor College of Medicine, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Hermann and Houston Methodist.

    Texas was one of the first states to push for an aggressive strategy to reopen businesses and activities after quarantine regulations forced a national shutdown. However, Gov. Greg Abbott slowed down some of the state’s reopening plans as coronavirus hospitalizations rose again. Abbott ordered bars to shut down again and called for restaurants to operate at 50% capacity after allowing them to reopen.

    Meanwhile, county and city officials in Texas have began enacting face mask requirements to try to slow the surge.

    On Tuesday, the state saw 6,975 new COVID-19 cases in a single day, marking a new record for the state. Texas has also seen 75,000 more reported cases over the month of June, according to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sanity_is_Relative
      Today Texas had another 8,076 new cases, there was also a news report with EMT's talking about having to reroute patients to other cities because they cannot get beds in the Texas Medical Center sue to over crowding.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Jul 2, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
  3. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    A new milestone for the US
    over 50,000 cases in a day.
    Congratulations are in order I guess.

    At over 300,000 in a week , nearing 1% of the population,
    they could possibly reach heard immunity in what ,
    a year , maybe a year n a half.
    Who knows.

    Quite an achievement.

    Who would have guessed 6 months ago , when first advised of this mild little virus , that they'd be the leading light in an experiment in herd immunity within half a year ?
    Not me , that's for sure.

    I wonder.
    Will fortune favour the brave ?

    Who will be right ?
    The majority that say 60 to 90% need to develop immunity ,
    to achieve herd immunity ,
    or the recent edjumicated guestimate that
    about 45% will do it ?

    Just another $64 question.

    Will Brazil beat them to the answer ?
    or perhaps India ?
    or could it be Chile
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. slutwolf
      If you're referring to me ,
      if you've followed you'll know I have never ignored Africa.
      I commented when Egypt got the first case on the continent , and again ,
      when Nigeria was the first in sub Saharan Africa.

      But in terms of the above post , they don't feature ,
      South Africa , the leading African contender is a bit down the list ,
      so far.

      I just had a quick look , and the total cases for all Africa at the moment ,
      is about 443,000.

      Rank ametuers compared to South America ,
      but obviously South America is a warning for how quickly things can change.

      7 African countries have 70% of those cases ,
      South Africa, Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt and Sudan ,
      so watch this space.

      SA is the only one featuring in new cases today , at 9,000+
      then down to Egypt with 1400+ ,
      then it's down to low hundreds
      Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
      slutwolf, Jul 4, 2020
  4. gammaXray

    gammaXray Porn Star

    Jun 24, 2013
    Florida Breaks Single-Day Coronavirus Record With More Than 10,000 Cases
    By Spectrum News Staff and Anthony Leone Florida
    PUBLISHED 10:15 AM ET Jul. 02, 2020 UPDATED 10:40 AM ET Jul. 02, 2020
    STATEWIDE — Another record has been broken as the Florida Department of Health reported that there are more than 10,000 new cases on Thursday.

    The previous record of daily coronavirus cases reported by the health department was on Saturday, June 27, with 9,585 cases.

    Various parts of the Tampa Bay and Central Florida areas saw a range of numbers that were reported on Thursday. Orange County, one of the hardest-hit areas, saw 584 new cases reported on Thursday. The day before, it was 560 and on Tuesday, it was 300.

    This week, Polk County saw the numbers increasing and on Thursday it was 279.

    Seminole and Volusia counties have been very similar to the number of cases and on Thursday that was the same case as Seminole County reported 155 and Volusia County had 153.

    On Thursday, the department reported one new death for each of the following counties: Orange County, Osceola County and Lake County.

    Statewide hospitalizations are also up, with 15,150 in total.

    However, some areas are seeing lower coronavirus numbers and health experts are crediting a large portion of that to more people are wearing face masks.

    "It is going to be critical to slow down the pandemic in our county. It's the only tool that we have in our toolbox right now short of a cure or a vaccine," explained Orange County Health Officer Dr. Raul Pino.

    Meanwhile, at least 21 Publix supermarket stores in the Orlando area have at least one associate who tested positive for coronavirus.

    Publix confirmed they also have COVID-19 cases at stores in Seminole, Volusia, Lake, Osceola, and Sumter counties. The grocery chain says all of their employees who test positive are getting 14 days' paid leave so they can quarantine.

    Publix stated it will continue to enforce protective measures in its stores.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    I distinctly remember shitter informing us all that this was just a mild flu...........so there is nothing to worry about is there?

    • Like Like x 2
  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Whats the death count trend, Dutch dipshit?
  7. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    You mean this mild flu is actually killing people?

    Surely not.

    • Like Like x 2
  8. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Just got through watching a video of a man explaining that if your mask was not one of those special ones with a number behind the name you are just wasting your time. While it might make you feel better it isn't keeping you from catching or giving the virus to others.
    Wearing a mask did not stop the virus from spreading in China and they make the masks there. We here in the U.S. were even sending them more from here. It didn't matter. If masks work there would not have been a virus here in the U.S.
    Hell, the chinese were wearing masks before it was trending.
  9. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    You can lead a horse to water.........!:rolleyes:

    • Like Like x 1
    1. msman
      But he seemed to have a lot more education and experience than the talking heads demanding we wear masks when they do not wear masks.
      msman, Jul 2, 2020
    2. thinskin
      Well guess why a surgeon wears a mask when he is opening you up and sort of work it out from there!:rolleyes:

      thinskin, Jul 2, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    3. msman
      Exactly what the man said. The doctor is not wearing a bandana or some scrap of clothe.
      msman, Jul 2, 2020
  10. naztypanty

    naztypanty Porn Star

    Dec 16, 2010
    July 1, 2020... over 50,000 new cases in one day in the USA... sounds like a real pandemic.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    You'll note doctors don't just wear mask either.
    Full PPE includes full face masks , overalls and gloves etc.

    They never touch their masks or face untill after gloves an all removed , and they're washed up.

    This was why we never had a mask recommendation.

    They have to be suitable ,
    fitted and removed properly
    and you must keep your hands away from your face.
    Plus protect your eyes , the other possible entry point.

    Otherwise , you're likely to just be under a false sense of security ,
    and in fact ,
    increase the risks ,
    if you touch your face with unsterilised hands ,

    which you are more likely to do if you wear a mask.

    I tried one , and it was true.
    I couldn keep my hands away from my face over a period of time.

    Other measures were more effective,
    and of course proved to be.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Wonder what is the real number of people who have died on the virus alone?
    Not those who have life threatening things wrong with then and finally died and were positive for the virus
    Just the people who had only one thing wrong with them, the virus only.
    1. slutwolf
      So , people who have a bad set of kidneys ,
      but who die of a heart attack , should not be counted in heart attack statistics ?

      and people with something like prostrate cancer , who die of a stroke , should not be counted in stroke statistics ?

      Is that the sort of thing you are saying ?

      Who decides , if someone is living with an existing condition , as very many of us are , when something else entirely different kills us , which list we go on ?

      I probably have some fibrosis , or whatever , from living and working with and under asbestos products for the first two thirds of my life ,
      so if I get killed by a drunk driver , should my death be put down to a road accident , or asbestos related ?

      Judging by family history , and members who lived in the same conditions ,
      I may live another 15 to 20 years , comfortably ,
      so if covid were to kill me this year , which condition should go on record as cause of death ?
      slutwolf, Jul 2, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    2. msman
      It would seem like or I would like to think a doctor could tell which factor caused the death.
      msman, Jul 2, 2020
    3. slutwolf
      That is quite different to what you were infering , lol.

      In that case we should assume the figures for Corona virus deaths are substantially correct.

      Since in most cases people who have died from covid 19 are elderly , you can assume most had other conditions , and or age weakened organs ,
      or if they were younger , it killed them because of their increased vulnerability.

      In any case, it was covid19 that killed them , and so it should be recorded.

      It has a relatively low fatality rate compared to some things anyway ,
      but it would be arrant stupidity to try to minimise the true effect it dose have.

      Killing up to 35% of a total of 10,000 victims is really serious . Horrendous.

      but killing only 1 or 2% of 10 to 20million
      is no less serious , just because the percentage is low.

      So we already have world wide spread ,
      uncontrolled in many places ,
      Over half a million dead
      in less than 6 months.

      not bad enough for you ?
      slutwolf, Jul 2, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Thought so. As bad as rear admiral motherfucker.
    fucking coward.
  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Here's your problem with the statistics of Covid

    First, countries count their cases and deaths differently, and report them on their own cycle. None of that is very consistent.
    Plus, we have the problem of countries like North Korea, who, you know, might not be reporting the actual numbers accurately.
    Or countries like Syria that don't even know if they're getting an accurate count.

    Then, in the US we have a similar problem with uniform reporting, although the CDC does have "guidelines".
    Plus we keep hearing reports that the tests aren't accurate, that they're being counted even if they are reconfirming tests, so in effect every individual tested and then retested counts for 2.
    And the problem of not being sure which was the bigger issue; the underlying medical condition or Covid.

    The real issue though is that the US states decide the plan to beat Covid, which means all manner of different requirements(guidelines) for wearing masks, social distancing and cowering in place.

    But logic tells one that if wearing a mask in public is not uniformally enforced, if social distancing is not enforced, if strict quarantine is not enforced, the hoped for result will be diluted.

    And finally, we see silly season stuff like Texas and Florida closing bars, but not restaurants, as if liquor is a known transmitter of covid. The silliness really sticks out when we realize that liquor stores have remained open almost from the beginning.

    1) We don't know for sure how many cases, how they're trending, how many hospitalizations, how many deaths, and how effective control efforts are.

    All we really know is that Covid is real, and it can kill you. Maybe. Or, maybe not.
    Oh, and we know it's been politicized, and used as a reason to kill the hottest economy in decades.
    We do know that.
    1. msman
      Another thing we should know.
      We are doing a lot more tests and finding more people with the virus.
      What the hell did they expect to find?
      msman, Jul 2, 2020
    2. slutwolf
      Were doing more testing to ,
      and finding no comunity spread .
      No local origin cases.

      Only imports , Kiwi returning from overseas.

      You only find more cases if there are more than you knew about ,
      which then means you actually need to do even more testing ,
      and continue doing more , untill you can't find any
      slutwolf, Jul 3, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    3. shootersa
      Well, but if you don't test, how do you know if its covid?

      Colorado decided that any symptom in combination with contact with a possible covid carrier is the same as a positive test result.
      shootersa, Jul 3, 2020
    4. slutwolf
      Well But !
      I don't think any of us can either comprehend or understand the crazy anomalies in your crazy country.

      We all know you've had consistent inadequacies , including testing , from the very beginning ,
      and that nobody has a true idea of the real extent of your problem.

      Given all of the above , and currently running at over 50,000 new cases a day ,
      anything is possible.

      Denials , excuses and obfuscations , and the blame game won't fix your problems.

      Meantime , there's reasonable evidence there is certainly some jiggery pokery going on in some places.
      I'm sure all or at least most will come out in the wash in the end.
      But , it's the DS , perhaps it won't.
      slutwolf, Jul 3, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    5. shootersa
      Well, but really, how many cases, really.
      We don't know.
      shootersa, Jul 3, 2020
  15. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    Texas Makes Face Masks Compulsory in Reversal by Governor
    1 / 2
    Texas Makes Face Masks Compulsory in Reversal by Governor

    (Bloomberg) -- Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered residents to wear face coverings in public amid a spike in Covid-19 cases across the second-most populous U.S. state.

    In a reversal of his months-long opposition to such a mandate, Abbott on Thursday said the order applies to all counties with 20 or more virus cases. He also barred people from gathering outdoors in groups larger than 10. Texas reported its second-worst day of the pandemic with almost 8,000 new cases and a surge in hospital admissions.

    The Republican governor has been under growing pressure from Democratic mayors and county leaders to crack down or at least grant them authority to mandate masks and other restrictions. As he moved to aggressively reopen the state’s economy in recent weeks, Abbott overruled local efforts to enforce stay-home orders and similar restrictions.

    “The move to mandate face masks comes far too little, far too late for Governor Abbott,” Abhi Rahman, communications director for the Texas Democratic Party, said in an email. “It took Texas Democrats demanding that he issue this common-sense policy and record breaking cases and hospitalizations to get Governor Abbott to finally act. This is unacceptable. Governor Abbott continues to lead from behind rather than implementing preventive measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus.”

    “We have the ability to keep businesses open and move our economy forward so that Texans can continue to earn a paycheck, but it requires each of us to do our part to protect one another—and that means wearing a face covering in public spaces,” Abbott said in a statement.

    Abbott has been scaling back his reopening as virus cases exploded and the sickest patients began to overwhelm intensive-care wards in Houston and elsewhere. It’s unclear how the order will impact the state Republican Party’s planned July 16-18 convention in Houston.

    Scofflaws may face fines of $250, under the governor’s order.

    Enforceable Order

    “We have a limited window in which to regain control,” Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said during a media briefing moments before Abbott issued his order. A mask order would help “defuel this virus.”

    Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, who oversees the third-largest U.S. county, was one of the most outspoken local officials demanding Abbott act as the outbreak escalated.

    “I welcome the ability to make face coverings enforceable in Harris County,” Hidalgo said in an email. “The virus is not responding to incrementalism, and we are quickly running out of time. I continue to advocate for an enforceable stay home order in Harris County, so that we can bring the curve down and give ourselves a shot at reopening successfully.”

    When do the brain dead rednecks with their AR-15s show up to protest Texas mandating masks in all public spaces? Oh wait they save that to try and intimidate Democrats only like the fecless cowards that they are.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    That just goes to prove Trump and his supporters like @shootersa simply cannot see themselves. My God with the US setting new daily records for the number of COVID 19 case and 130,000 dead Americans all they can do is scream Yeah but people aren't dying as fast as they were before when we still have between 500 and 1,000 deaths per day. Like hey 500 people dying a day means Trump is doing a great job. That just stuns me they would try to brag about that.

    But what worries me the most is the virus is mutating. It is easier to catch but not anymore deadly. But it could very easily become more deadly just like the 1918 flu did. The flu epidemic when around the world three different times. The first time it actually caused very few deaths. But the second time it mutated to a form that killed nearly everyone young and old sick and healthy. And by the third time it came around the globe it had mutated again and was more like COVID 19 is now killing mostly elderly and sick people. Scientists are very worried COVID 19 could do the same thing and mutate into a much more deadly form.

    New, Mutant Stain of Coronavirus Spreads Much Faster But Isn’t More Deadly, Study Finds

    *That number is outdated. In the past 24 hours the US recorded more than 55,000 new cases.


    ON A SIDE NOTE: One of the biggest Trump cheerleaders in the country is Florida Gov Ron DeSantis. He followed the Trump script with enthusiasm. And now Florida leads the nation in the average number of daily cases.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. shootersa
      Once again, rear admiral motherfucker spews his shit.
      shootersa, Jul 3, 2020
  17. gammaXray

    gammaXray Porn Star

    Jun 24, 2013
    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Like Trump claims everything's under control...........

    TAMPA, Fla.
    — Vice President Mike Pence visited Tampa on Thursday to meet with Gov. Ron DeSantis regarding the efforts the state is making to combat COVID-19.

    Recent testing data is causing concern of a surge in COVID-19 cases that some fear will flood hospitals and lead to a second lockdown across the state.

    Dr. Deborah Birx was also part of Thursday's visit and spoke at a news conference.

    “This virus begin to spread through Tampa at the end of May," she said. "We all have a critical role to play the next two to three weeks to stop the spread.”

    Birx also asked any Florida resident under the age of 40 who has recently attended a gathering of 10 or more people and didn't social distance or wear a mask to come forward for a COVID-19 test.

    The Vice President met with DeSantis on May 20 as the state was reopening for business.

    During a press conference with the Vice President at that time................ DeSantis became agitated after questions about whether Florida was reopening too soon................

    "We've succeeded and I think that people just don't want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative, challenges their assumption so they gotta try and find a boogie man," the DeSantis said. "Maybe it's a black helicopter circling the department of health. If you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you."

    Since May 20, Florida's coronavirus cases have tripled, from just under 50,000 to more than 159,000.

    Most major cities across the state are now under mask orders, although the Governor has not issued a statewide mask order saying some rural areas aren't seeing spikes in cases.

    Last Friday, the state banned alcohol sales at bars, essentially shutting them down again.

    The move was an apparent effort to stop the growing number of cases in people under the age of 35, which has seen the biggest surge in cases since the re-opening.

    Pence visited Arizona on Wednesday, where a coronavirus spike is underway as well.

    The Vice President urged people to wear masks and support a new round of business closures.

    He also announced an additional 500 health care workers being sent to the state to help with the growing number of cases.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    An interesting review in the most recent Nature poses five questions......

    Six months of coronavirus: the mysteries scientists are still racing to solve
    From immunity to the role of genetics, Nature looks at five pressing questions about COVID-19 that researchers are tackling.

    Why do people respond so differently?

    What’s the nature of immunity and how long does it last?

    Has the virus developed any worrying mutations?

    How well will a vaccine work?

    What is the origin of the virus?

    Read the full paper here.......


    • Like Like x 1
  19. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    An interesting bit of information on our news last night.
    They are calling for everybody who may have been in any contact with anyone connected to the clusters in our worst hit area ,
    to get in touch and get tested urgently.

    They're doing research on the spread and the possibilities of unknown spread to people not showing any symptoms.

    The interesting part , is the urgency.

    Apparently they believe the antibodies ,
    which is the only evidence they can look for , only last up to about a couple of months ,
    possibly less.

    So if they don't find those people soon , that evidence will be lost.

    So ,
    if that is correct ,
    dose that mean that any immunity only lasts
    about a couple of months also ?

    Or even that it is diminished ?

    That could have serious implications for the idea of herd immunity ,
    even if it we're only true for mild cases.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. 1 Toy Maker
      If the anti bodies only last a few months you're right in saying herd immunity will be impossible
      1 Toy Maker, Jul 12, 2020