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  1. rooman566

    rooman566 Sex Machine

    Jan 12, 2016
    Today ya back inmy early years you could tell a lot
  2. jermster19

    jermster19 Porn Star

    Jun 30, 2010
    To my knowledge, I don't think I have ever encountered one outside pictures or videos from the internet.
  3. Luvagobfull

    Luvagobfull Sex Machine

    Jul 19, 2011
    When I was in my late teens, I took her home from a bar. I got sucked in. By then I was swinging from both trees. But it was a shock.
  4. Scott Curry

    Scott Curry Porn Star

    Jun 17, 2021
    Absolutely. Some CDs look great.
  5. Kormath

    Kormath Porno Junky

    May 27, 2022
    Nope, cause I'd have to know they were a CD for this and I don't know anyone that is one. The only one I knew moved away decade or so ago, and you'd never think he was hot lol awesome person though
  6. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    There are usually physical attributes that give someone's gender away at some point. But I like it when I'm not sure of someone's gender. It doesn't have to be someone that's sexually attractive. But I've met TGs that had me not knowing for sure, even after talking with them.

    I know one that will go into a bar and end up sitting next to a man that will buy her drinks all night. She has the voice, gestures and look perfected to pass as a GG.
    • Like Like x 2
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  7. sluttylilperv

    sluttylilperv Sex Machine

    Sep 27, 2020
    YES, YOU!!!! LIKE DAMN!!!
  8. toniter

    toniter No Limits

    Jan 17, 2011
    I paid to have sex with a couple, M & F. They looked like twin non-binary (?) Both had dark, shortish hair, both thin and tall (not skinny), smooth no hair except around their pubic, lovely smooth faces. I couldn't tell one from the other in the dim light, with the obvious exception.

    BTW, remember the Mick Jagger movie "Performance"? gender bending
  9. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    Yes. I have a couple of CD friends that can pass as women when they want to. Sometimes I even forget they're men. lol
    • Like Like x 2
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  10. Niceguy49

    Niceguy49 Porn Star

    Dec 26, 2015
    I think there have been more than a couple cross dressers that I didn’t recognize were guys because I wanted them to be women. They seem to flirt more and I got turned on thinking it was a woman making a pass at me….
  11. steamy4u99

    steamy4u99 Porn Star

    Oct 12, 2017
    Four or Five months ago, I hooked up with a guy who was a crossdresser. He claimed to be a "closet" dresser, but wanted to show off for me. It was remarkable how good he looked and you'd never have known that he wasn't a female. I could only wonder how many hours he spent perfecting the look.
  12. dannidorki

    dannidorki Newcumer

    Nov 28, 2022
    My first thought was super hot and then "damn why isn't that me?"
    • Like Like x 1
  13. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    There was a trans woman (Caroline Cossey) who made it into a James Bond movie (For Your Eyes Only)
    She wasn't one of the "Bond Girls". She was in a scene by a pool with several other scantily clad women.
    She also appeared in a Playboy shoot.
    • Like Like x 3
    • wtf wtf x 1
    1. Resserd
      There was a rumor that it was a trans girl's legs and ass on the poster for that movie. Maybe it was her?
      Resserd, Nov 30, 2022
      speakeasy likes this.
    2. speakeasy
      That I don't know. She was basically an extra in one scene.
      She had a pretty good modeling career going and was getting some movie roles until some tabloid in the UK "outed" her.
      40 years too soon. Today, I don't think anyone would care.
      speakeasy, Nov 30, 2022
    3. speakeasy
      speakeasy, Dec 5, 2022
  14. silky_panty_wearer

    silky_panty_wearer Porn Star

    Mar 6, 2007
    Yep....and after seeing that they had a cock under there....made me more attracted to them for some reason....so hot!
  15. Oldrogue

    Oldrogue Porn Star

    Jun 4, 2019
    Way back when, (yeah im old). Walked into tiki bar saw a great ass leaning against the bar in a flimsy beach coverup. Then she turned around with an adam's apple the size of a golf ball.
  16. toniter

    toniter No Limits

    Jan 17, 2011
    I strolled into a bar in the French Quarter in New Orleans and was immediately approached by a mid-50'5, White raggy TV. I politely told her I wasn't interested. few minutes later, a drop dead gorgeous Black gurl, tall, nice-but not huge-tits, sashayed my way. My jaw dropped and my cock popped. For $100, she gave me the time of my life, finally shooting her cum all over me. I would have married her, if I wasn't already.
  17. luv 2 wear cotton panties

    luv 2 wear cotton panties Sex Machine

    Oct 6, 2015
    I'm a CD and love seeing other CDs
    • Winner Winner x 1