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Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Printable Version

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RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Jean_25 - 04-28-2017

New female outfit release today !!! Wink

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Joabna_Smith_Old - 04-28-2017

(04-28-2017, 12:31 PM)Jean_25 Wrote: New female outfit release today !!! Wink

yowza! they sure update a lot this month.
i am gonna predict it now: people are going to be angry on the forums again when the updates slow down a little.

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - ZueZue - 04-28-2017

can anyone help me with this?????
it happened as soon as i left the bdsm store, all i did was look at the outifts, i didnt even buy anything

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Joabna_Smith_Old - 04-28-2017

(04-28-2017, 04:13 PM)ZueZue Wrote: can anyone help me with this?????
it happened as soon as i left the bdsm store, all i did was look at the outifts, i didnt even buy anything

maybe contact a mod, this might not be the right thread for it.

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - zkss5 - 04-28-2017

We got a bdsm outfit before we get a playboy bunny outfit?
I am disappoint.

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Zephyr - 04-28-2017

Most people seem to be happy that farming accounts has been effectively ended. From the site owners perspective it is good: they don’t need as much capacity and can sell in game money. I think that the rates are much too high to be attractive but that is another point.

Is it good from the players’ POV? If at any point there are 1,000 people playing it does not seem to matter if they are 1,000 out of 10,000 accounts or out of 100,000.

Many people built up reserves on the still unfulfilled promise of houses. The people that are most affected are premium girls: there is not much for non-prems or even premium males to spend money on.

It brings in less money (in game money, that is) into the site so tell me the advantages. If certain people will be less able to replace their money then they won’t spend it: for example, less spent in brothel and more looking for work.

I have just spent $1500 on a new outfit: if I did not have $1500 I would have to spend an hour playing a game rather than interacting, so how does that benefit others’ gamers' experience?

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - IvanXLIV - 04-29-2017

Hello all,

I've had time to reflect on the recent change - and April 2017 has seen several of these!

  1. Pirate Hat, Cyclops Sunglasses and the Bondage Harness. Always nice to have some apparel to add to one's collection. As a pirate fan, I was pleased by the addition of a bona fide hat (and now we need the whole outfit). The bondage harness is superb - a bit costly, but I think it's well worth it... does this herald an upcoming BDSM aspect to the game?
  2. The Bank. Being able to purchase in-game money partly compensates for the loss of farming (more on this below); being able to transfer money from one avatar to another is also a welcome addition. However, imho, the latter comes with two serious flaws... first, requiring a minimum of 100$ per transfer, and being restricted to Premium players. Now that newly-created avatars start with zero bucks (thus removing the so-called "problem" of money farming), both of these restrictions are pointless. Oh yes, almost forgot... the teller is damn sexy (please, a minigame with her soon)!
  3. Newly-created avatars starts with no cash. I've said my piece before, and since the overwhelming majority seems to think it's a good thing, I'll abstain from commenting further. But... more than ever, as a result, we need more ways to earn money in-game. Quicker, faster ways - and PLEASE, ways that don't require spending my precious online time on it (devs, I respectfully suggest jobs whose mechanics are similar to leaving one's avatar working offline at the brothel, and allow the player to keep ALL the earnings).
  4. Sex in the showers. Now that one is a major win - bravo to the devs! Again, however I'm perceiving two flaws... first, some mean to prevent "shower rape" should be implemented - and the easiest way would be to set the DnD to block shower sex like any other unwanted invite. Second... why, oh why implementing sex shower ONLY in the luxury suites? Shower sex requires at least one Premium participant - implementing it in the regular hotel rooms (and the Wild West motel rooms) would NOT have allowed non-Premium players to use Climbing the Tree for free. Please, add shower sex in every type of showers!
  5. Pearly Gates (the belated and much asked-for MM gay pose). Finally! Again, a good job by the devs - kudos! The animation is fairly executed and - like Scissoring - it comes "already known" AND is available to non-Premium.
If I had to pick what I'd like to see next, it would be (in no particular order)...
  • Appartments!
  • Sex in every conceivable showers!
  • Offline, lucrative jobs for avatars to earn money with!
  • Unlocking the 1000-XP poses (Get on Top, and Climbing the Tree) for non-Premium players (it can be done and still keep the requirement of one Premium partner to allow shower sex).
  • Definitely appartments! Did I mention... appartments? Wink

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Avax69 - 04-29-2017

Um Idk I don't think they'll release a prem pose to non prems until they release a new prem female pose, but that's just my thought on it since the non prem men still ain't gotten anything at all yet, and I myself am wondering as well if they're going to add in a bdsm type thing now given the newest outfit, I mean I like the idea of something a bit kinkier possibly being added in to the game lol so yeah could be interesting, if not well at least I look good in my new outfit

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - Count_Blackula - 04-29-2017

(04-29-2017, 12:30 AM)IvanXLIV Wrote: Hello all,

I've had time to reflect on the recent change - and April 2017 has seen several of these!

  1. Pirate Hat, Cyclops Sunglasses and the Bondage Harness. Always nice to have some apparel to add to one's collection. As a pirate fan, I was pleased by the addition of a bona fide hat (and now we need the whole outfit). The bondage harness is superb - a bit costly, but I think it's well worth it... does this herald an upcoming BDSM aspect to the game?
  2. The Bank. Being able to purchase in-game money partly compensates for the loss of farming (more on this below); being able to transfer money from one avatar to another is also a welcome addition. However, imho, the latter comes with two serious flaws... first, requiring a minimum of 100$ per transfer, and being restricted to Premium players. Now that newly-created avatars start with zero bucks (thus removing the so-called "problem" of money farming), both of these restrictions are pointless. Oh yes, almost forgot... the teller is damn sexy (please, a minigame with her soon)!
  3. Newly-created avatars starts with no cash. I've said my piece before, and since the overwhelming majority seems to think it's a good thing, I'll abstain from commenting further. But... more than ever, as a result, we need more ways to earn money in-game. Quicker, faster ways - and PLEASE, ways that don't require spending my precious online time on it (devs, I respectfully suggest jobs whose mechanics are similar to leaving one's avatar working offline at the brothel, and allow the player to keep ALL the earnings).
  4. Sex in the showers. Now that one is a major win - bravo to the devs! Again, however I'm perceiving two flaws... first, some mean to prevent "shower rape" should be implemented - and the easiest way would be to set the DnD to block shower sex like any other unwanted invite. Second... why, oh why implementing sex shower ONLY in the luxury suites? Shower sex requires at least one Premium participant - implementing it in the regular hotel rooms (and the Wild West motel rooms) would NOT have allowed non-Premium players to use Climbing the Tree for free. Please, add shower sex in every type of showers!
  5. Pearly Gates (the belated and much asked-for MM gay pose). Finally! Again, a good job by the devs - kudos! The animation is fairly executed and - like Scissoring - it comes "already known" AND is available to non-Premium.
If I had to pick what I'd like to see next, it would be (in no particular order)...
  • Appartments!
  • Sex in every conceivable showers!
  • Offline, lucrative jobs for avatars to earn money with!
  • Unlocking the 1000-XP poses (Get on Top, and Climbing the Tree) for non-Premium players (it can be done and still keep the requirement of one Premium partner to allow shower sex).
  • Definitely appartments! Did I mention... appartments? Wink
Using DnD to stop "Shower rape" would stop random people from entering the shower that you're in and starting the sex pose, but what if you want to just shower with a friend than it wouldn't work because of how DnD works now.

RE: Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts - emirc - 04-29-2017

thanks for updates Smile but I'm still waiting for more casino games