Discovery will make vaccination mandatory for all its employees in 2022
South African insurance company Discovery intends to implement a mandatory vaccination policy for all its staff from 1 January 2022.

South African insurance giant Discovery intends to make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for all its employees from the first day of the new year. This move was revealed by the Discovery Group CEO, Adrian Gore, during a presentation on the company’s performance over the last financial year on Thursday, 2 September.
Gore said that because local and global data shows that vaccination against COVID-19 is safe and effective, the Discovery Group intends to “take a leadership role” and drive up the country’s vaccination rate through its employees, products and by working closely with the National Department of Health.
“Discovery intends to implement a mandatory vaccination policy effective 1 January 2022, given the clear moral and social obligation as informed by our core purpose to make people healthier and to enhance and protect all employees’ lives; and by our values, particularly, acting as a force for social good; and supported by a legal obligation to protect and safeguard our people from all potential risks,” said Gore.
The CEO added that Discovery’s mandatory vaccination policy would recognise employees’ right to object to being jabbed.
The insurance company said it is prepared to deal with objections through exemptions and reasonable accommodations, where necessary and possible, by taking into account the business’ requirements.
“This process will consider the employee’s health, religious and other legal rights and seek to balance these with the rights of all employees across the Group,” said Gore.
Discovery said it would do its best to accommodate each employee but since each case is different it would not adopt a blanket approach. “[We] will instead use a fair and equitable process that balances the employees’ rights, the safety of our workplaces and operational requirements,” said Gore.
Much of what the Discovery CEO said echoes what the Minister of Labour and Employment Thulas Nxesi said in a statement on vaccination in the workplace earlier this year.
The government said employers should find a reasonable resolution that accommodates all parties when employees refuse to be vaccinated on medical or constitutional grounds.
“The key principle of these guidelines is that employers and employees should treat each other with mutual respect. A premium is placed on public health imperatives, the constitutional rights of employees and the efficient operation of the employer’s business,” reads the government’s guidelines on occupational health and safety.