2017-02-14 04:57:44
>> #156170
anon9 said:
I'm conflicted. I like the fast inductions but slow induction means... well, more induction. And that's the best part of hypnosis.

Amen to that. Fast inductions are great for if you just wanna get to the fun, but theres nothing better than the slow process that makes you ache for the next frame. Especially with mild resistance.
2017-02-13 19:50:19
>> #156078
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Bless you, based Future Club Advisor for taking the slow route.

I'm conflicted. I like the fast inductions but slow induction means... well, more induction. And that's the best part of hypnosis.
2017-02-13 17:23:46
>> #156064
Bless you, based Future Club Advisor for taking the slow route.
2022-01-07 12:57:54
>> #452777
Master's cock tastes so good... He let me drink his cum today. I also got to sit down and watch some of my fantasies while he was out. He almost caught me touching myself. The thought is sending shivers through my body even now. Oh god I love master so so much, I wanna please him so badly...

I swear I am gonna get him back for this. Bastard. He's done something to my body and I know it. Whenever I go to get dressed all I can think about is putting on this damn apron. Nothing else. And whenever he commands me to do something it's like there's a rush of euphoric pleasure that just stops me thinking for myself. Gotta admit it feels amazing... But still. No way am I letting him get away with the shit he's making me do. I can't stand it. The sicko even has tapes of me fucking him. Dating back to the first night I had a dream about him, Almost like... Oh my god... Ok. Ok. Calm down. So he's fucked me... That many times... So I'm definitely no virgin anymore... Right. Just gotta think of a way to get this other me under control so I can escape. Easy, right?

Mmmm... She's being such a good slut. And to think about a month ago she was a pure and stuck up virgin. Showed her who's boss huh? Yeh. It's been great. I got to take her virginity, I've been using that fine ass every night while she's in trance and she doesn't even know it. All she knows is that I've been teasing her to the point her desperation for my cock boils over. She's willing to good anything for me now. Shed even lick my cum from my hands if I let her. But that would be sating her needs a little. And she's much more fun when she's a begging mess. Would hate for her to regain some sanity. She's been watching my collection. She thinks I don't know. But I do. I even edited a few of the videos to reinforce some of her triggers. That and push her conscious mind deeper into lust for her master. Me. Having a hypnoslut is so fun.
2018-01-04 09:36:32
>> #225222
Anyone notice that the cum on her breasts form a heart?
2017-03-15 19:37:30
>> #161834
L33T said:
Date a live episode 10

2017-03-15 07:06:04
>> #161747
Date a live episode 10
2017-03-12 20:38:15
>> #161083
quick questions whats the source for that gif on the top right?
2017-02-14 03:08:23
>> #156150
Pinkanator said:
Ooooo do want~

Good. It's always better when the potential converts are willing. That helps things go more smoothly... >:)
2017-02-14 01:28:50
>> #156139
Nadie said:
Oh, the rituals and teachings are highly sacred and secret. But you see that hungry-looking snake over there? Look into his eyes for a while. He helps the Voroastrian church decide the roles of members. The charismatic or useful ones end up proselytizing, but the most pious members usually help with... catering. Either way, he usually helps curious people to... see the big picture.

Ooooo do want~
2017-02-13 21:15:22
>> #156086
Coltsguy said:
...That, or you do the blood oath like all the other members. Whose blood is up to the initiate. It just needs to be consumed in front of a minimum of three members by- You know what? This'll take a while so only serious applicants should inquire.

Of course, like all great world religions there are various sects; some prefer gore, and others want the prey to be eaten whole. This stems from a difference in interpretation of the scripture: the Holy OMNOMNOMinomicon.
2017-02-13 21:01:03
>> #156085
Nadie said:
Oh, the rituals and teachings are highly sacred and secret. But you see that hungry-looking snake over there? Look into his eyes for a while. He helps the Voroastrian church decide the roles of members. The charismatic or useful ones end up proselytizing, but the most pious members usually help with... catering. Either way, he usually helps curious people to... see the big picture.

...That, or you do the blood oath like all the other members. Whose blood is up to the initiate. It just needs to be consumed in front of a minimum of three members by- You know what? This'll take a while so only serious applicants should inquire.
2017-02-13 13:07:44
>> #156048
Pinkanator said:
How do I sign up?

Oh, the rituals and teachings are highly sacred and secret. But you see that hungry-looking snake over there? Look into his eyes for a while. He helps the Voroastrian church decide the roles of members. The charismatic or useful ones end up proselytizing, but the most pious members usually help with... catering. Either way, he usually helps curious people to... see the big picture.
2017-02-13 11:53:10
>> #156038
I do hope to produce more content sometime soon! The muse is fickle, but has some good ideas when I can pin it down. Your interest means a great deal to me, and I'll try not to disappoint! Thank you again. :D
2017-02-13 11:44:34
>> #156037
NotFromOz said:
Thank you, Flyman! I hoped the expression would communicate the state of mind I wanted. This is actually my first self-made art submission to the Hub; I drew it as a Valentine's gift for my datemate and thought that someone on here may enjoy it, too.

Ah don't mention it, you did a nice job! If you ever think about posting more art, I'd be pretty excited not gonna lie
2017-02-13 11:31:14
>> #156036
Thank you, Flyman! I hoped the expression would communicate the state of mind I wanted. This is actually my first self-made art submission to the Hub; I drew it as a Valentine's gift for my datemate and thought that someone on here may enjoy it, too.
2017-02-13 11:19:33
>> #156035
I love the style, her expression, and outfit she's in. I'd like to see more from this artist!
2017-02-13 10:37:34
>> #156031
2017-03-19 21:36:41
>> #162656
Pinkanator said:
Pink yes!

What if it's an oldman with a snake body, do you want that.

Cause that's what I'll say it is too keep you from doing dumb stuff.
2017-03-19 21:28:14
>> #162653
Pinkanator said:
Pink yes!

2017-03-19 21:27:40
>> #162652
Imasuky said:
Pink no.

Pink yes!
2017-03-19 21:27:03
>> #162651
Pinkanator said:
but do want

Pink no.
2017-03-19 21:26:20
>> #162650
someguy231 said:
...But you die.

but do want
2018-01-23 21:11:16
>> #229414
FlawlessVictory said:
Who the heck is fucking her tho?

A random sea cucumber, and what looks like a misshapen aubergine.
2018-01-23 21:08:44
>> #229411
Who the heck is fucking her tho?
2017-02-14 09:54:43
>> #156211
Pinkanator said:


Indeed. Goofy Goofy Goober Goober yeah.

2017-02-13 18:39:49
>> #156069
Mister Vi said:
I find a strangely renewed fondness of things from my childhood when i see porn of it.. but then that might be because I spent a non-0 amount of time trying to find porn of things i liked when I was young.

Mister Vi
2017-02-13 18:11:24
>> #156067
skullman2033 said:
There goes that fraction of my childhood. like just imagine a heart, then chip a little piece off....i've already lost half of it to this site, please dont make me lose any more, i beg of you

I find a strangely renewed fondness of things from my childhood when i see porn of it.. but then that might be because I spent a non-0 amount of time trying to find porn of things i liked when I was young.
2019-09-13 23:54:41
>> #335452
Hypnofetish93 said:
Hippeemaster said:
Sandy's a girl?????
Are you retarded

2018-10-19 00:42:07
>> #285432
hippeemaster said:
Sandy's a girl?????

Neptune preserve her!
How long can she stay like that?
I don't know!
Sandy's a girl?
2017-02-14 22:00:20
>> #156263
sanicthehedgehog said:
Thank you

That still doesn't give you the right to spam comment it on practically every image.
2017-02-14 17:49:28
>> #156244
Pinkanator said:
Now, to be fair, he's totally right.

Thank you
2017-02-14 07:03:53
>> #156193
I feel like I grew up with Sandy too much and I got a siblinglike immunity to her being sexy.
But on a pseudo intellectual level, this is good stuff.
2017-02-13 20:37:42
>> #156083
Thanks for comments, though as usual I am not confident in my skills at all so don't be surprised if it's all wrongggg

Mindwipe said:
I think you gave me 2 different translations for the teacher's last speech bubble on this page.

If you mean the words in the parentheses, that's the tiny words above the old guy's head =P
2017-02-13 17:21:41
>> #156063
Logic is suspicious? *America joke goes here*
2017-02-13 17:04:43
>> #156058
2017-02-13 10:47:16
>> #156034
JamesF said:
Yesssss Akitsuki Itsuki !!! <3

Goodlike Minwu and Cradily

Don't try to write good luck when you're tired x_X
2017-02-13 10:46:49
>> #156033
Yesssss Akitsuki Itsuki !!! <3

Goodlike Minwu and Cradily
2017-02-14 01:44:41
>> #156142
Pinkanator said:
One of these days....

Mhmm one dayyyy
2017-02-13 07:55:37
>> #156021
One of these days....
2017-02-13 07:53:41
>> #156020
This is a commission for Erikaa of her OC by the same name. Seems like we’re back to this lovely erotic hypnotic pheromone alien forest…. how the hell are people getting here… Oh right… they’ve been paid to visit there via Commi... erm Spaceship. I hope you all enjoy!

If you’re interested in a commission, please contact me privately for a quote!

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