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  1. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    But you assume that those who read your stories are pedos, why?

    This is the type of judging that is the subject of the complaint.
  2. Rebeca Lewis

    Rebeca Lewis Amateur

    Jun 22, 2009
    Well aren't you just TOO clever.

    As I wrote, "... I'm sure that nobody would ever guess this by reading it..."
    Meaning that it is not readily apparent. It's called sub-text, but I'm sure your stories are much better than mine.
    They are spelled correctly in any case. Hey! Why don't you go write one now.
    Love ya, mean it.
  3. Rebeca Lewis

    Rebeca Lewis Amateur

    Jun 22, 2009
    I take people at their word.

    A lot of commenters imply, if not outright say, that they are pedos, but perhaps they are just going with the fantasy. It's hard to say for sure.
  4. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Sorry, I'm not letting you off the hook so easily. This is your reply to wawawa, on the site becoming a *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM* haven.

    To arrive at that conclusion you needed to assume that they were, which is judging at its worse.
  5. Rebeca Lewis

    Rebeca Lewis Amateur

    Jun 22, 2009
    I'm sorry, but you're wrong.

    It's not an assumtion, it's based on comments that I've recieved on my story.
    However, your questions made me re-think how I intupreted that data.
    Thank you.
  6. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    The story about "Popping Ashley's little cherry" had over 100,000 views, there were about 80 replies, several from you, many condemned the story for its content, less than 20 indicated that they could be pedos.

    This is hardly proof that the site is a haven for pedos.

    So, I take exception to your comment that I was wrong.
  7. Rebeca Lewis

    Rebeca Lewis Amateur

    Jun 22, 2009
    Then take exception.

    Over one hundred thousand views + eighty comments = a lot of people not commenting.
    However, I feel fairly comfortable extrapolating based on that number, which at it's smallest still comes out to 25,000. That's a lot of pedos.
    A still don't see where the judgment part comes in. It's not like I said that they were a bunch of sick bastards, or anything. I just commented that I think that they are here already.
    I may be wrong, but I stand by that assertion.
    You don't have to agree, but since it is impossible to prove one way, or another, I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree.
  8. Caduceus

    Caduceus Porn Star

    Nov 17, 2009
    It is one thing to allege that there are people on this site that ARE child lovers, and quite another to say that there MIGHT BE some of those people on this site already.

    Being interested enough to read a story, and actually partaking in its described events too, is something entirely different to assert without adequate proof. That is where 'judgment' comes into play.
  9. Rebeca Lewis

    Rebeca Lewis Amateur

    Jun 22, 2009

    As I have said, "A lot of commenters imply, if not outright say, that they are pedos..."
    Think what you like, and I shall do the same.
  10. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009
    Umm Got a couple of questions for ya....
    Granted you said your not a *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM* great...
    But are ya going through a change cause I could swear your profile says ur a girl and a dude who's age is secret and your 42???
    So maybe its more that you are misunderstanding some of your replies to your stories. I am in no trying to ruin your rep or create some issue but just trying to figure out as to how you can claim people are *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*'s when you have no idea weather or not your a dude or a female??? Im just going by what your profile says and thats that....
  11. Rebeca Lewis

    Rebeca Lewis Amateur

    Jun 22, 2009

    No, YOU don't know whether I'm a male, or female, and unless you are looking for a date, you don't need to know.
    See, no problem.
  12. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009
    MM wonder have you ever had the problem keep the high piched voice when u say "Hi, Im new here"......lol..sorry u left that wide open or did u?? MM good question.....

    But hey thats not the issue....the issue is you not being able to tell the diffenece of someone "complementing" you on your writing skills or someone being a *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*........

    But hey Im not hear to judge ya...just here to say welcome aborad and I hope you enjoy your stay...Man or Woman u should fit right in....
  13. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Typical *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*, lurking as Peter Pan.
  14. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009
    I had to restarin myself from saying: well no shit that's why I asked DUH!!!
  15. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Oh, of course.

    It's not that your writing is crap and you're citing ridiculous influences in an attempt to seem intelligent, it's that everyone else is too dense to see it!
  16. Krendall

    Krendall Porn Surfer

    Jan 6, 2010
    I think most people have a "gross" initial reaction to some of these fetishes and simply refuse to let their minds move beyond that feeling.

    Another theory is that by bashing fans of a certain fetish it makes the casual/"normal" porn viewer feel what he/she is watching is somehow less "wrong."
  17. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008

    So because I clicked on your story, to see what 100,000 readers thought, and did not comment, you assume that because I am in the group of non-commenters there is a good chance I'm a *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*?

    No judgements being made there... Lady or sir, whatever the case may be, that is a very scary assumption.
  18. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009
    He or she isn't taking the time read between the lines...
    He or she just wants to take it at face value for that would mean He or She would have to look into themselves.....
    Just a peek into the idea he or she is presenting!!!
  19. bikerdude51

    bikerdude51 Sex Lover

    Nov 16, 2009
    well i feel if anyone touches a child
    in real life should be shot or gutted
    but to read a story that is fiction.
    well that is a different subject it is
    only when a person thinks to carry
    out what is written then that is
    crossing the line if they can't know
    the different between fiction or fact
    or in some cases what is real an not
    real then that's when they need help
    i joined this site to have fun an meet
    new friends an maybe even find a lady
    to have fun with who likes the same things
    i do not too fight or haggle over who is or who
    isn't to me that is just meaningless if they are
    then the fbi or who ever monitiers this stuff
    will catch them an deal with them nuff said
  20. Suze3221

    Suze3221 Her Crankiness

    Oct 2, 2008
    Since when did this thread become about pedos?... :(

    I don't give a shit what people read. Having a gander at these stories, in my opinion, does not a *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM* make...

    It's just great watching you lot jump on someone (Rebeca) who has come to this thread and tried to be honest and give his/her opinion. As for whether he/she is male/female, well who gives a rat's arse?...